zyl's website | it/puppy(/she) creature | blog | images | pay me! | source

whoa! you just found a weird egg! maybe you should watch it and see what happens..

  • pets need to be fed about once every eight hours!
  • your pet still exists while the page is unloaded or your computer is off! pause if you need to leave them be for a while!
  • make sure to keep your pet clean!!
  • if your pet is turning grey, make sure you're giving them the attention they need!! pet's deserve happiness too :(
  • if you take good enough care of your pet they'll stop going potty on the floor!
  • slow pet food/happiness decay
  • oops pets couldn't age past puppies..
  • pets now are simulated even if the page is unloaded
  • when pets are unhappy <redacted>

??? pets